WHOOOOO is the Little Owl Foundation, and WHYYYYYYY are Tino Bernadett and his wife, Martha Molina Bernadett, supporting them? Because they’re very wise and they enjoy giving back to local causes, helping children, and promoting education of every kind.

What does the Little Owl Foundation do?
The purpose of the Little Owl Foundation is to provide partial scholarships for age-eligible children to attend the Little Owl School for three years.

What is the Little Owl School?
The Long Beach, California Little Owl School is a Reggio-inspired school. A Reggio-inspired School is like a Montessori school but different. Maria Montessori started the Montessori schools in Italy around 1907, and Reggio Emilia began her school 50 years after Montessori opened her school. Both schools depend on the children to direct their own learning to some extent. However, the Reggio model is more hands-off and includes more parent and community involvement. At the Long Beach, California Little Owl School, they feel:
Children are believed to be competent, capable, and full of ideas.
Critical thinking and problem-solving are learned through meaningful interactions and play.
Teachers are learners and researchers.
Parents are partners.
The Owl School folds in nicely with the Reggio Emilia philosophy.
The Reggio Emilia Philosophy Encompasses:
A respectful image of children as competent and capable
The role of the teacher as a co-researcher and co-constructor in the learning process
The child’s role in constructing knowledge through exploration and relationships
The importance of the school environment as an educational force and a source of well-being
The use of a wide range of media and materials to foster self-expression, learning, and communication (The Hundred Languages of Children)
The interrelationship and reciprocal influence of children, parents, and teachers
The value of collaboration among all participants in an educational system
The relationship between the school and community
Source: The North American Reggio Emilia Alliance

Why Little Owl?
The Little Owl School is near Tino and Martha’s home community. It espouses a core belief for the Bernadetts that a good Early Childhood Education makes all the difference in a person’s life. The Little Owl Foundation helps children without financial means to attend this school.
Dr. Faustino Bernadett started with little and relied on non-profits that helped him learn how to learn. Now he and his wife are paying it back with donations to this and many other causes.
Tino and Martha Bernadett support many organizations that enhance children’s access to education and healthcare. They partner with preschool programs, churches, clinics, family service organizations, civic organizations, and schools that serve low-income and at-risk families.

More Supports
Another example of the pay-it-forward work of the Bernadetts is the Molina Foundation, founded by Dr. Martha Molina Bernadett and Tino Bernadett back in 2004. Martha Bernadett is the foundation’s President and CEO, and Dr. Tino Bernadett is the Vice President/Treasurer. Their foundation has helped over 2,500 organizations since its inception, including other foundations that will hopefully make curious little owls out of children of all ages and means. It has donated millions of books and conducted scores of learning workshops and programs for teachers and families to understand and enjoy the benefits of health and literacy and how they are related.
The Little Owl Foundation supports The Little Owl School. Whooooo wouldn’t want to do that?